Accept no imitations, unless it's straight out of a 1984 time capsule. I ADORE Daniblack's studded denim "Queen" pump.
($119, Oh Deer, Piperlime)

Oh Deer!'s studded Sweetie pumps are visually intriguing, but I bought them, wore them for just a few hours, and was rendered almost incapable of walking -- 3 1/2 inch heels aren't usually a deal-breaker, but the construction on these make them fucking crippling. More like Oh Shit! I promptly sent them back. The Daniblacks look way more comfy.
+ Also, enter to win a pair of Daniblack Vellum or Mimosa satin rosette pump or flat! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!

+ Also, enter to win a pair of Daniblack Vellum or Mimosa satin rosette pump or flat! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!