Friday, December 19, 2008

Maison Martin Margiela Jewelry Is Making Me VERY ANGRY!

Because I LOVE it so much and can in no way shape or form justify purchasing it. DAMN YOU, Dina of Eye4Style for turning me onto MMM jewelry!

($215, Maison Martin Margiela,
I MAY bust out ye olde jewelin' tewls and see if I can craft something similar, though I'm pretty clueless when it comes to working with rhinestone strands. Weep! Can any of you crafty ladies out there make something similar?

($185, Maison Martin Margiela,
Lurves these Maison Martin Margiela paperclip earrings. 'Course, the recession-buster/ punk-as-fuck approach would be to just stick some regular paperclips in your ear and call it a night... and then call the doctor for a tetanus shot.