Camper Rachael wedge-ishes, $160. Wowzers. The architectural heel, the laser-sharp cutouts, THAT HEEL. Love! Bought! They also come in black. I can't wait to wear these.

I also considered these cool slingbacks in red, also $160, that go by the same name but are obviously a different shoe. But then I remembered I already have a pair of reddish wedges and went with the supercomfy foot-hugging yellow ones. But now I see that these also come in off white...

...and I still pine for a pair of off-white slingback wedges that I wore everywhere for at least two summers before they fell apart, and I fear I may have to make my second Camper purchase sooner than expected. But the red is so hot! What to do!
Camper is also well-known for their "twins" concept, where each shoe is slightly different from its mate. This one is supercute:

Twins flat sandals, $145. Is it picnic season yet?
As an added bonus, people are always saying Camper shoes are insanely comfortable. We shall see!