($17.99, Qupid, CutesyShoes.com)
Totes trashy equals totes fun!

($15, Longoriagirls.etsy.com)
Are crows the new owls?
(Apprx $74 USD, Jill Green, Rockett St. George)
Okay, I can't really tell if this is even red. It strikes me as more of a red-orange, if not auburn, but whatever. It's my blog, and this is a cool clutch.

($12, FredFlare.com)
A fun new twist on the BFF classic.

($36, FredFlare.com)
I kinda think I might buy this.

($129.60, Sweetees, QueenBeeGirls.com)
I love this dress. Perfect style, perfect color. Hooray!

($28, Pony Attack, MyMy.us)
Man oh man. First of all, I love fun names AND I love ponies, so this top had me at "Pony." AND "Brand New Key" is one of my fave songs. So, as much as I've been trying to (and basically succeeding) get out of the cutesy t-shirt habit, I discovered this insanely adorable top, and it sent me on a serious backslide. Oh well. It should be arriving at the doorstep of my apartment ANY day now. Yay!