DOOOODS! I was g-chatting with Lani of Sugar Rock Catwalk (g-chatting makes us sound like we did something DIRTY... or like we're gs...), and I was SO MAD at her because she posted this HUGE round-up of New York City sample sales --- gr gr GRRRR!... And I showed her the result of the Marchesa sample sale I went to back in February. It's the reason I REALLY shouldn't go to sample sales... Because...
I got THIS amazing Notte By Marchesa leopard-print dress (last one in my size -- and it fit, but barely) for $250... Now that is a LOT of fucking cash, don't get me wrong/ believe you me, whatevs, BUT, um... it was originally $1265, so I mean, technically I saved $1015... Right? Right? I also will probably wear it to my rehearsal dinner. Which might be at a pizza place. So?