Nanette Lepore's hope/anchor tee, $65, with kicky little ribbon. I feel like I'd wear this with other stripes somehow, and maybe a slouchy hat of some sort? Is that weird?

Lutz & Patmos's cardigan, $60. So subtle and lovely. Let's get a detail shot of the rising sun, shall we?

If I didn't have at least four other gray cardigans, I'd probably buy this. Or maybe that means I will really wear it and must have it?

Rachel Roy's "Be the Change" scarf, $95. I love this, but the slogan she's selling is a little gramatically suspect, and we all know I can't have that. Be the change you want to see in the world? Be the change? Really? I'm afraid I just don't know what that means. UPDATE: It's a Gandhi quote. So I officially withdraw my silly snarkiness. Thanks for the tip, smarter reader!

Rag and Bone "Change is Awesome" tote bag, $75. Now that makes sense. Simple, direct, powerful. And this bag? Awesome indeed!

Zac Posen's "Dare to Dream" tank, $45. I like the sentiment behind this one. I hate the defeatist liberal attitude that I hear all too often lately; you know, the "McCain's gonna win" bullshit. Fight it!

Pharrell Williams's "Obama Stands Out from the Crowd" men's tee, $60. Not sure why "Obama" is placed in a sea of white faces. This one seems a leeeeetle bit under-thought-out. Stands out from the crowd of whom?

Maria Cornejo's organic "Change" tee, $60. Again, Obama looks white. Curious.

Charles Nolan's "Change is Good" wrap shirt, $70. At first glance, this is interesting. Then you realize that anyone wearing this is basically saying to the world, "You'd have to be locked-in-a-straitjacket CRAZY to vote for Obama!" which, really, is not very on-message.
Many more options, including OMG Marc Jacobs puts his name on another tote bag, here. And remember, folks, you're making a donation to the campaign, so don't fret too hard about dropping sixty bones on a T-shirt.
There's also a plethora of fun Obama pins here, no matter what your niche voting block may be.

Emo for Obama button, $1.

Cats for Obama button, $2.50.

And here's a silkscreened Obama tie! Perfect for riling up the old people (Republicans) at the next wedding you have to attend!

Boyfriend say that tie is ugly, like mine did? Get him this Obama brooch, $48. Cool and subtle.
Then again, maybe you like McCain? There are some fashion options for you, too.

Palin and co. shirt, uh, SORRY! It's satire. Oh wells! Try this one instead:

"Nope" tee, $22.