Saturday, August 13, 2005

Harrods Girl shops Tokyo Day IV: Cecil McBee

Today's post is the finale of my Tokyo trip. I was in Tokyo for only three days, so Roppoingi Hills, Shinjuku and Shibuya was basically where I hung around. As a fashion-loving jet-setter, I make a point in knowing which shops are famous or popular in different countries. For Japan, one of the most popular brands is Cecil McBee.

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Cecil McBee in general, sells clothes that are hip and trendy. It also has a great selection of party/ clubbing clothes. I visited the Cecil McBee in Shibuya 109, and bought two black tops -one for clubbing in winter (as it has long flowy sleeves,) and another for casual wear next season, (it's got Edwardian and military-looking buttons and it's a casual take of next season's volume look.)

Since I was too shy to take pictures of the salesgirls, I took pictures of the dummies instead. Here are a few examples of how the hip Cecil McBee girls match their outfits. You can just imagine it on a Japanese girl, since they're just as small-boned as the dummies anyways. Enjoy:

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This is one of my favourite outfits. You can see how the Japanese are so good at blending in next season's trends into this season's clothing, such as this fur-trimmed vest.
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This is another one of my favourite outfits. The sides of the top is connected by that colorful fabric. Too bad Cecil McBee doesn't let customers try on the tops before purchasing -that's why my sister didn't buy this top. But she did buy that belt in white, and I'm planning to err, borrow her belt very soon.
Well people, that's it for my Tokyo trip. I'm flying to San Fransisco tonight (hopefully the typhoon won't delay or cancel my flight.) I can't wait to buy loads of junk food from the huge American supermarkets, stroll around the residential area near the Bay area, and of course shop San Fransisco downtown!