Thursday, August 4, 2005

Barneys Girl's Intership III: The Models

Apart from being exposed to the fashion designing industry, I also came into contact with another very exciting part of fashion-the modelling industry! Having been a dresser for the models during presentations, I was cooped up with many of them in the dressing room for hours on end. And I found out loads about the modelling life as a result. So here are a few interesting insider facts:

  • Contrary to common belief, they are not very up themselves at all. In fact, they're all such darlings!! We had such fun girly chats together in the dressing room. Afterall they are all about 15-20 years old, what else do 15-20 yr old girls do? LOL
  • Modelling cards (sheets of cards with a selection of thier best pictures on it along with their measurements etc) are not only very pretty but also very useful. And not just in the work sense either. They can also be used to get into exclusive VIP list only clubs and allow you to do things for free there.
  • They all started modelling when they were really young and come from all over the world from Estonia to Brazil. (Incidently the girl from Estonia was very impressed that I've actually heard of and know where Estonia is-apparently not many people do)Their modelling agencies fly them around the fashion capitals of the world 3 months at a time. And no they don't get to do it for free. no. The cost of their living and air ticket are taken out of thier pay from the work they do in that country.
  • They get paid almost nothing for magazine shots or runway shows, because of the added public exposure they get from it. And shoots takes all day, because it takes hours to get the make up and hair just right, and another hour or two to change the look if its not "right". And no, they rarely get to keep the clothes they model.
  • Suprisingly, they get paid most for doing catalogs and internal presentations (like the one they were doing for our company). Although it IS actually quite physically straining to be constantly changing outfits for 3-4 hours at a time-and be quick about it too!
  • Everyone in the fashion industry absolutely LOVES Mac, because of its huge array of colors. And how Dermatologica is reputedly very good for the skin (according to a French model).
  • Make-up and lighting makes a LOT of difference. I was looking at their portfolio and I swear if I didn't know, I wouldn't have recognized it was them! There is this picture where this completely fair girl is like 10 shades darker! This makes me finally see why models like Gemma Ward and Lily Cole are so successful-

For one thing, I can actually differentiate them from the sea of models on the runway. And I think that I would actually recognize them on the street if I ever see them (although this may also be due to Harrods Girl's influence. . ).

Yup, talking and working with these girls was definitely the highlight of my internship! Ok, I know, I've been going on and on about my internship all week now. Sorry if I've bored you guys. I promise will stop talking about it and go get a life now!! ;)