The basic black boots I currently own I wear about three to four times per week, and I've worn them so much that there's almost no difference between their soles and asphalt. They're from the '80s, and I found them in a scary thrift store in a rather scary part of Paris, but it was all good because I got them for like 10 Euros. But that was about three years ago and one original sole ago. It is time. to. move. on. Perhaps to these?
($190, f-troupe,
Like the
Ayla boots I love -- I have them in Tokyo and Manhattan -- they're wide at the top to accommodate soccer-player calves (even if/ when you don't play soccer, ahem!) They also remind me of
Golden Goose boots, but they're about 1/10th the price. AND they're on sale! I think Imma getum!