Friday, March 21, 2008

That's a Wrap?!

Who doesn't love DVF wrap dresses? It's the thing she's famous for, so classic, flattering, etc. BUT what was she thinking with this unfortunate "wrap" bag??

And you have to drop $900 for this ill-considered item! It's bad enough that so many designers these days feel the need to adorn bags with "belts," now this? What's next? I rue the day when bags have, like, plunging necklines, bubble hems, or other accessories stuck to them. Although, now that I think about it, Marc Jacobs already did that—to weird and wonderful effect. This, just: no.

That said, I bet you could use an influx of cash to buy some dresses. Well, DVF is having a contest in which you could win a $5,000 DVF shopping spree, a trip to NYC, and a chance to have a seat at the 2009 DVF fashion show. Like the best contest, this one is merit-based: Just write an essay on the inspirational women in your life. Go here to enter. We'd do it, but we're lazy.