($750, 3.1 By Phillip Lim, Bigdropnyc.com)
Completely beautiful, completely out of my price range. I'm consoled though, by the fact that I don't really like the bottom hem.

($629, Sofira, CoutureCandy.com)
I absolutely love this, and I am consoled by nothing. Boooo.

($360, Kay Unger, Saks)
Cuter than a flannel pillowcase with an all-over candycane print, and then you open up the pillowcase and look inside and it's filled with fuzzy, fluffy wide-eyed kittens mewing sweetly.
($340, Mara Hoffman, Shopfrock.com)
Would look gorgeous with some gold sandals wif heels.

($277, Calvin Klein, Saks)
Muy elegante. You'll look less trashy when you get wasted before the reception if you're wearing this deceptively elegant dress. (Hey, it's called a cocktail dress and a cocktail hour for a REASON!)

($136, Betsey Johnson, Overstock)
Okay, a few times this week, I came DANGEROUSLY close to almost ordering this to wear to a wedding in June. The couple is super cool and super not-stuffy and non-traditional, so this would be perfect. BUT when I showed it to a different friend, also a non stuffy person, she asked if, in all seriousness, I was having an early mid-life crisis. I'm not even 30, for Pete Wentz's sake! Anyway, if there's ANYONE who could pull off wearing this to a wedding, I think it's ME! I also think I might order it JUST to SPITE her! Because I'm just that sorta person!

($128, Betsy & Adam, Saks)
Since I've got a lotta red tones in my skin, I almost never wear red. But, if you can pull it off, this is totally adorbs.

($64, Max & Cleo, Overstock)
I usually don't LOOOOVE dots, but these look really subtle, and I like the cut and color -- sorta '40s. You might have to have zero curves to wear this, but if that's you, yay! Get it!