I hit up the Lucky Shops event with Beauty Blogging Junkie's Amber last night. As suspected, much of it was like, OMG these Miu Miu pumps are an awesome deal at $350, because I'm used to paying $750 for Miu Miu pumps! But, I did see really good deals on Kooba bags, and I really loved the Pade Vavra jewelry I saw (the site doesn't do justice to the pieces they had for sale at the event).
I only made one wee purchase, but it was a goodie: ... This Charlotte Ronson blouson sweater for $60, O.G. $215 (and yes, it was $40 on RevolveClothing, but it's also sold out there, so HA!). Oh, and it's so weird because that pose and expression are the EXACT same pose and expression I made in the mirror when I tried it on and was like YES! So I knew I had to get it. I love that it's banded at the bottom for maximum not-boxiness. I think it's been forever and a few months since I bought a sweater, and hopefully I'll wear this forever and forever and amen.
Amber and I also checked out this Charlotte Ronson dress:
This is another one of those "you win, non-New Yorkers" situs because there's no JC Penney in Manhattan. Yet. They're opening one in the sad sack Manhattan Mall, which is currently the heart and soul of Sucktown. No joke though, I was just in Manhattan Mall this past Sunday because I was in Midtown and needed leggings -- Rainbow pulled through! Maybe there's hope after all! I couldn't really tell WTF was going on with MM though because there's so much construction. But the point is, maybe there's hope?
Anyway, back to Lucky -- the denim bar looked promising, but I asked myself, self, do you really need more jeans? Self replied, no, self. No you do not.
Next: Rachel Comey! ZOMG, Rachel Comey! I saw this w00t-worthy dress/ jumper/ romper thingy, and you can't tell, but the all-over print is little Melies-style 19th-century-looking eyeballs! The dress was amazing but about $100 out of my prince range. Ho wells.
Email the good folks at Sotto to see if they'll get it back in. Or stop by the Lucky Shops event on Saturday, would be my unsolicited advice -- that's the last day, and everything's marked down. Hlr!