Almost as exciting as last night's Obama steamroll*: the Hayden-Harnett sample sale! New York fans of the Brooklyn-based makers of luscious leather and cool canvas handbags need to get their asses to 65 Bleecker Street (the basement of Edge Noho) ahora! This sale (also online, but more 'spensive) is well worth your time and elbow power. They've got scads of bags for some good-to-great prices. There are clothes, wallets, and accessories, too, but who needs a studded keychain when there are all these gorgeous leather bags? Some words to the wise: Don't be afraid to dig in the boxes underneath the tables. The ladies are being very nice, but they aren't able to keep up with the chaos, and I found one of my bags in a box after being told the boxes contained only extra stock of what was on the table. Shit is getting snapped up—get in there. Some of the bags are slightly damaged, but most of the damage isn't that noticeable, and they have some interesting bags that were never produced, in case you are looking for loud, multicolor stripey bags (Tamar). Also, they're offering 10 percent off to anyone who pays cash. In short: You can totally score. Click here for details, and check out what I walked away with below:
This is the Havana hobo. I got it not in red (which I wanted but wasn't the waaahmbulance), but in a light cognac color that I believe they call "saddle." That color is not available online; there are some other colors in the online sample sale for various prices that are lower than the $515 retail, but NONE so low as $100, which is what I paid for it. A tag said it had some spots on it, but I couldn't find them to save my life. It's a truly gorgeous bag for a really good price. (Note: It seemed to me like most of the bags are priced higher than this, in the $200 to $300 range, and the girl who rang me up noted that it was a really good deal.)
Then there's the awesome Corcovado tote, which really needs to be reissued in some more attractive colors (patent puke, really?). But I snagged it in emerald for $100! It retails for $650, folks. It had a really hard-to-notice scratch on it, but do we care? No we do not. They also had it in brown at the sale, or you can get it at the online sample sale for various prices ranging from $208 to $455, but none as low as $100. I'm pretty much in love with this giant, plentifully pocketed tote. It even has a fun multicolor print lining!
Oh, and that navy-and-maroon bag Tamar coveted the other day? It can be had at the sale, too, though for the too-rich-for-my-blood price of $300 (online sale: $347).
*Not really. But pretty damn good!