Tearing a virtual page from Vain and Vapid's Nicole Richie Chanel airplane dress post to do one of my own. (More pix here.) While I agree with many of the commenters' spot-on assessment that yes, the dress indeed looks like it was fashioned from pediatric scrubs, I think it's adorbsly fun in an '80s way.
Some more sophisticated takes from the same era of fun-tacky:
($396, Alice + Olivia, Shopbop)
Ridiculous, and I love it. The best way to do '80s -- one big-ass statement piece.
Love the graphic print over the silky stripes.
I just watched Wall Street, and I would very much like a wardrobe that resembles the art of Gordon Gecko's home and the furniture Bud Fox's second apartment. Minus the greed. Plus the cash. Minus the imprisonment.
Love the graphic print over the silky stripes.
I just watched Wall Street, and I would very much like a wardrobe that resembles the art of Gordon Gecko's home and the furniture Bud Fox's second apartment. Minus the greed. Plus the cash. Minus the imprisonment.