Sunday, January 27, 2008

More Proof Docs May Be On The Rebound (Unfortunately)

GAH! Trend Central is starting to get behind the impending return of Doc Martens! Ugh. If these Palladiums (soooooooo '90s!) are any harbinger, I guess I'd rather go with Docs. Though barely.

($120, Doc Martens, Zappos) tracked down these pink lacy lace-ups yet erroneously referred to them at gotta-have-ems. They make me wanna gouge my eyes out. Unless I see them on Hayley from Paramore -- I'm sorry, but she's adorable.

More Doc stuff:
+ Free People pats itself on the back via its blog (!?!?!?!?) for carrying them. Zzz.
+ Docs fired Saatchi + Saatchi London for its some-might-say-tasteless ads depicting dead rockers in Docs. (Um, teeee!)
+ The New York Times already called it a month. Me = late to the party, clearly, but not buying it. I'm still barely able to wrap my head around the rebirth of Keds.