GAH! Trend Central is starting to get behind the impending return of Doc Martens! Ugh. If these Palladiums (soooooooo '90s!) are any harbinger, I guess I'd rather go with Docs. Though barely. tracked down these pink lacy lace-ups yet erroneously referred to them at gotta-have-ems. They make me wanna gouge my eyes out. Unless I see them on Hayley from Paramore -- I'm sorry, but she's adorable.
More Doc stuff:
+ Free People pats itself on the back via its blog (!?!?!?!?) for carrying them. Zzz.
+ Docs fired Saatchi + Saatchi London for its some-might-say-tasteless ads depicting dead rockers in Docs. (Um, teeee!)
+ The New York Times already called it a month. Me = late to the party, clearly, but not buying it. I'm still barely able to wrap my head around the rebirth of Keds.