Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Formal Special II: A.B.S

Another of my favourite dress brands are A.B.S dresses by Allen Schwartz. This brand is absolute genius when it comes to dresses, I got both my graduation dress and my recent Fall Formal dress from there. A.B.S by Allen Schwartz was lauched in 1982, and was instantly hailed as the "master of trend" by the media and fashion buyers. Having been one of the original founders of Espirit, Allen has a way of giving the latest trends the twist it needs to be unique and wearable. A.B.S dresses range in price from $99-400, a wide enough range to have something for everyone. Here are some of our favourite pieces this season:

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Ah, the flowy goddess look again with soft bright colors of the blue sky and the orangey sunset. I love how the colors just fade into each other. And that hankerchief dress style-its very similar to the one I had for fall formal! Except mine was purple with a huge flower pin in the middle.

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And one must not forget these classical evening gowns. Although the style of it is very classical, as you can see there is always a twist here and there to give some life and trendiness into these timeless pieces. I love the black dress, its just sooo elegantly fitted! And THAT ladies and gentlemen, is why I love A.B.S dresses!