Thursday, February 3, 2005

OC Fashion

The authors of this blog have noticed that at the beginning of the OC Season Two, the quality of fashion has declined severely: Abercrombie shirts were seen constantly, and the outfits were highly uncreative. As Summer would say, EWW!! But thankfully, the producer Josh Schwartz must have come across a comment or two in the OC chatrooms, (which he obssessively hangs around,) and asked the OC's fashion stylist Karla Stevens for improvement.

The results are obvious and spetacular. Most of the Abercrombie shirts and untrendy items are gone, and brilliant items have appeared. There are now more Marc by Marc Jacobs and other Neiman Marcus type items being worn. It certainly makes the beautiful OC people even more beautiful and perfect. Learn how the stars dress for different occassions, the OC-way.

For school : Does anyone in your school ever dress so gorgeously to school?

Marissa wearing a pair of Coach flats.

Lindsay wearing a Juicy Couture Shrunken Wide Notch Collar Blazer.
For hanging out after school and weekends : The OC people wear relatively casual clothing here.
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Marissa wearing a Rebecca Taylor Pointelle Shrug and Summer wearing a Ya Ya Beaded Skirt.
For dinners and parties : The people of the OC seem to be at parties more than anywhere else. They have Neiman Marcus to supply them a never-ending supply of beautiful dresses.

Marissa wearing a Primp Tonic Dress.

Summer wearing a Marc by Marc Jacobs dress.

Julie Cooper wearing an ABS by Allen Schwartz Seamed Dress
For home : The beautiful people of the OC even lounges at home stylishly.

Kirsten wearing a Burberry Novacheck Robe.

Don't YOU wish you lived in The OC too? So you can be these beautifully dressed people, BE part of this rich and snobby commnunity.