OMG. If Joan Rivers died and were reincarnated as a jacket, I'd assume it'd probably go something like this. It's like Vegas barfed all over a Little Miss Texas pageant. Per the site's description: Kippy's Black Acid Washed Leather Jacket with Jet Swarovski Crystals. This Fitted Blazer looks fabulous with any denims, pants, and skirts.
DENIMS? Whatever. That's the least of the problems here.
($525, Kippys, Bellasbarn.com)
($1099, Kippys, Bellasbarn.com)
DENIMS? Whatever. That's the least of the problems here.

I don't know Mariah Carey personally, but I feel confident that even back in her glitteriest of butterfly phases, not even SHE would've worn this piece of sparkly trash.
($699 -- down from $995, which makes it a total steal! -- Kippys, Bellasbarn.com)

Now, I'm not even 100$ hardcore anti-fur, but I can't believe rabbits died for this fucking horseshit. I'd toss a can of red paint at the offensive bitch carrying this shitbucket just for having such piss-poor taste.

According to the item's description: Kippy's Handbag with Beaver Fur w/Pita Stitch and Side Pockets. Fur Handbags are the In Style Magizine Must have for 2007-2008. Um, something tells me that this would NOT make InStyle's It List. The only It List this bag would make would be a S-H-It List. Also, the ACTUAL name of this shitsack is "Beaver Bag." Seriously. It sounds like some fraternity hazing stunt. Okay. I can't take it anymore. I think we've had enough.
And to make up for the damage I've done to your eyes, here's an audio treat: an MP3! "Christmas Is Cancelled" by The Long Blondes. Don't say I never gave you anything.
And to make up for the damage I've done to your eyes, here's an audio treat: an MP3! "Christmas Is Cancelled" by The Long Blondes. Don't say I never gave you anything.