Iodice = pretty princess!!

See??? Toldja!

Hip, hip HOORAY for black and grey!

Cute enough, no?

So darling, but, um... about that 26" waist? Yeah.

Apparently the formerly MORTS New York & Company now has some cute stuff! Yay!

Eeee! Interlocking bird graphic!

Oh Mike & Chris. When, oh when, will you sell out and do a line for Target?

Get it? Los York? "Los" and "York"? Get it!?

Such a perfect fall bag.
HeLLOOOOO Crayola brights!


Totes fun.

... Speaking of totes, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, 'ki have EVERY Virginia Johnson bag they have over at Active Endeavors??? Oh, and the tops too, please.

These '80s/'90s teen heartthrob bedazzled watches are effing hilarious. I love that Andrew McCarthy gets his due here. And yes, that's Joey Jeremiah for all you Canooks/ watchers of Degrassi High. He was the Northern version of Jon Cryer, for all of you unawares.

I actually love a lot of Superfine London's jeans, but these are absolutely an execption. Why? Oh, because they're SILVER! Awful.

Even having arms like this lady with the Anna Karenanakournikovanoff crazy eyes is no reason to wear butterfly sleeves. So terrible. So Stevie Nicks. So bad.

This sweater is what's wrong with today's youth.

There's so much wrong here I just don't even know where to start, so I won't.

Um, is this kid freaking you out? Because he's totally freaking me out right now.

Remember all those jokes about what was in MC Hammer's pants and why they hung so low? They totally apply. Do these pants come with adult diapers or something? So terrible. I am slowly taking back what I said about the UK LaRedoute being so far superior from its US sister. At least we don't have poopy pants!!!