Now go get some of your own...

($29, Amazon)

($28.50, Amazon)
Love the cut.

(BCBG, Amazon.com)
I love these BCBG Open-toe Library Pumps, but they're becoming increasingly harder to find in yellow. Boo.

($54, BCBG, Overstock)
These pale yellow BCBGirls heels are really cute. And I like that they're called "Sunshine." Tee!

($38, Amazon)
Pale AND slutty!

($18, Soda, Amazon)
Totes cute slingbacks. It's odd -- I usually can't stand high-heeled slingbacks. Only low heels. I know you feel better knowing that.

($241, Loeffler Randall, Shopbop)
The dots are so subtle that they're not barfily little girlie. Yay! And, also, yay to Jesse Randall for Loeffler Randall's win at the CFDA Swarovski Award for Emerging Talent Accessory Design. Check out this adorbs photo of her:

(Photo credit: CFDA.com)

($102, Matiko, Couturecandy.com)
Very very cute.

($60, Tribeca By Kenneth Cole, Piperlime)
Cute! Courtesy of Mary-Kate's Websleuthing skillz.
And now for some yellow non-footwear:

($341, Julie K, Couturecandy.com)
($28, Amiciaccessories.com)

($30, Asos.com)
Tee! In the style of Lily Allen.
($57, Bebe, eBay)
($48, Santeealleythestore.com)
And now for something heinous...

($237, Nina Ricci, DesignerExposure.com)
What they DON'T want you to see: the unfortunate purging side of bingeing.