Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Celebrity culture

Jennifer Aniston has slammed reality TV, saying it breeds a cultural obsession with celebrities. "What happened to a great half-hour sitcom?" the former Friends star said recently. "It's all Dancing with the Stars! Knitting with the Stars, Building a Home with the Stars, Living in the Homes of Stars! And then the ripping people to shreds. Humiliation. Degradation. What is going on? There's so much instant gratification, and we want it. It's just bizarre. I don't watch TV anymore. Nothing. I have no interest in that idol s**t. Unfortunately the world is in such a state with this war and everything else that it's easier to look at the triteness of celebrity break-ups. It's like, 'Ahh, relief.' It's an escape, rather like a daytime soap opera. There's nothing left to talk about and I'm just sick of everything about myself."